Friday, June 7, 2019

My favourite book OR film

I usually don`t watch movies or read books, because they are very long for me. I mean, stay sit and quiet for two hours is something that don`t match with me. But, when a book or a movie are a masterpiece, exist an exception.

The first book that I really enjoyed was "Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen. Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentratrionslager", in german, or "Man`s Search for Meaning" in english. There is a history set in the world war II, when nazis used concentration camps to erradicate jewish people. Our protagonist, Viktor -who is also the author-, is a psychologist, that inside of the concentration camp, started to analyze how the place and the people are.

The book had three parts. Viktor used three phases to describe how  prisioners react to everything, like their first perspectives of death and pain, when they lose the meaning of their life, or lose moral or ethic concepts like apathy and understanding. I have to be honest, read this makes me feel sadness, because we all now how awful and unfair it was! 

The last part is about the liberation, and I think that this phase is the worst to the prisioner, because is when he is saved and come back to his house... and discover that his entire family and friends are dead, his is alone. 

I really recommend this book, isn`t too long and has a lot of thoughts about love, pain and life in general. And, it is a little piece of history.


  1. The people could think that the liberation would be a happy moment but no...

  2. It sounds interesting :o, the only book about the Second World War that I have read has been the boy with the striped pajamas

  3. wow, I was shocked because that book is also my favorite, and I did not know that someone else knew him, I love the feeling of existentialism that the book generates, great choice !.
