Friday, July 12, 2019

The most enjoyable subject

Today, I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy, so the main contents here are about chemistry and how use that in the elaboration of drugs and medicine. In the first year of the career, there are the basics of science, like calculus introduction or physics, but I think that the subjects that can show you some chemistry and what you should do in the future are General Chemistry and Chemical Laboratory Techniques.

General Chemistry is a basic subject about chemistry, and here we learn about principles, formulas and concepts that can help you to understand and solve exercises. At the moment, we know how to make concentred solutions, the balance of reactions, how atoms and molecules are, and a lot of things more. I guess, we all need to start from the basics!

At the same time, in Chemical laboratory techniques we all learn about how to use the lab's material, and all the warnings we need to keep and what to do in case of some accident with dangerous reactants. Here, responsibility is key in accidents prevention.

In General Chemistry, we only have theoretical classes, but in Chemical laboratory techniques we have theoretical and practical classes; the classes are divided into two parts: the first is a cathedral class and, in the second, we use to go to the laboratory and make some magic.

I really like all my classes, because there are very interesting things to learn!


  1. i also liked general chemistry, especially the laboratory

  2. oh wow, that subject happened a long time ago, then it gets even more interesting!
