Sunday, July 21, 2019

Our amazing human body

Today, I am going to talk about a very important organ: the kidneys. Why about them? I think they are very interesting, so here are the reasons why you can sell them and get good money...

Kidneys are responsible of filtering and removing waste from our blood, so they are constantly working. They process 200 liters of blood everyday, getting about two liters of waste. Our body eliminates substances that are not helpfull to the bloodstream, and the kidneys clean all.

They are under the ribs, and are shaped like peas, and size of our fist. Although they are not so big, they perform a vital task of our existence; if they aren't working is simple: we die. to help our kidneys work properly? One of the easiest ways to take care of them is having a healthy diet, with low levels of sodium and fats, and drinking eight glasses of water daily. There are another things that can affect their functioning, like suffering diabetes or blood pressure problems.

You must take care of them, because the damage to this organ brings with it a painful and unpleasant process: the abominable dialysis. Or the another solution is getting a transplant, and we all know that they are very difficult to obtain.

Take care of your kidneys, they do a lot to you!

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