Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluation of blog experience

Five months ago, after taking the diagnostic test, I had the news that I had qualified for english 3. First, I felt a little disappointed because I really believed that my level of english was higher. But then, I started to think that maybe it would be a good opportunity to improve my perfomance in another languaje.

When we started, the idea of writing blogs was boring, because I thought it would not be the big deal. But after seeing the topics and writing them, something became noticeable: they are usually things that not being so difficult, make you think.

Topics like your favourite photo or your pets, were things that I do not usually think about. For example, when we had to write the blog about pets, my hearth broke in many pieces when I remembered my two pretty little ducks.... but it was a special feeling, and I think they needed to be remembered for a few moments.

Throughout the course I felt that my english improved in terms of writing and pronunciation, and I discovered my taste for british english.

In the next course, I would like to improve my skills even more, and I hope to have a good time writing about new topics... there is a lot to talk about to the rest!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Our amazing human body

Today, I am going to talk about a very important organ: the kidneys. Why about them? I think they are very interesting, so here are the reasons why you can sell them and get good money...

Kidneys are responsible of filtering and removing waste from our blood, so they are constantly working. They process 200 liters of blood everyday, getting about two liters of waste. Our body eliminates substances that are not helpfull to the bloodstream, and the kidneys clean all.

They are under the ribs, and are shaped like peas, and size of our fist. Although they are not so big, they perform a vital task of our existence; if they aren't working is simple: we die. to help our kidneys work properly? One of the easiest ways to take care of them is having a healthy diet, with low levels of sodium and fats, and drinking eight glasses of water daily. There are another things that can affect their functioning, like suffering diabetes or blood pressure problems.

You must take care of them, because the damage to this organ brings with it a painful and unpleasant process: the abominable dialysis. Or the another solution is getting a transplant, and we all know that they are very difficult to obtain.

Take care of your kidneys, they do a lot to you!

Friday, July 12, 2019

The most enjoyable subject

Today, I'm studying Chemistry and Pharmacy, so the main contents here are about chemistry and how use that in the elaboration of drugs and medicine. In the first year of the career, there are the basics of science, like calculus introduction or physics, but I think that the subjects that can show you some chemistry and what you should do in the future are General Chemistry and Chemical Laboratory Techniques.

General Chemistry is a basic subject about chemistry, and here we learn about principles, formulas and concepts that can help you to understand and solve exercises. At the moment, we know how to make concentred solutions, the balance of reactions, how atoms and molecules are, and a lot of things more. I guess, we all need to start from the basics!

At the same time, in Chemical laboratory techniques we all learn about how to use the lab's material, and all the warnings we need to keep and what to do in case of some accident with dangerous reactants. Here, responsibility is key in accidents prevention.

In General Chemistry, we only have theoretical classes, but in Chemical laboratory techniques we have theoretical and practical classes; the classes are divided into two parts: the first is a cathedral class and, in the second, we use to go to the laboratory and make some magic.

I really like all my classes, because there are very interesting things to learn!

Friday, July 5, 2019

An expert on your field

One of the most incredible woman of all the times is Marie Sklodowska, aka Marie Curie. She had discovered developed methods for the separation of the radioactive residues from elements and using them for therapeutic uses. At the age of 36 years old, she won the Novel Prize for Physics with her husband.

I think that Marie Curie is a great example for everyone. She lived in a society where the man was everything, and if a woman could do more than them, there was a problem. Despite of the difficult of the era, Marie Curie grew up and become a big scientist, taking a lot of important positions in scientific institutions, winning many prizes and acknowledgments like two Novel Prize, for Physic and Chemistry, having honorary scientific, medical and law degrees, and she had written a lot of great papers: Recherches sur les Substances Radioactives (1904), L''Isotopie et les Élement Isotopes and the Traité' de Radioactivité (1910)for example.

And like a curious fact, Marie Cure has written the most important doctoral thesis in the human history.

Really, I wish to be like her, when I grow up.

Image result for marie curie

Friday, June 28, 2019

About love, pets and friendship

In my whole life I was in loneliness, because making friends isn't mine, and when I was a kid this wasn't an exception.

I remember when I was five years old, and one morning, my mom gifted me two little ducks, they were very small and adorable!! For the first time, I was a bit scared, but then I loved them. Their names were Roberto and El General.

We used to play all the afternoons in my grandma's garden, looking the flowers and eating them (haha, just my ducks did that), and when the night falls, we used to sit down and look the stars while I pet them. In summer, I used to put a bucket of water so they swam in the fresh water, and it was very funny!

But, one morning, I realized that they weren't in my house: my grandfather took them to a friend's  housethat  lived in the south of Chile, because the ducks destroyed my grandma's garden and some other things. I remember that I was very sad, I really loved them and they were my only two friends...

Sometimes, I remember them, and I feel a bit sad, they were very important to me and I wished we had a last goodbye. I wonder if they missed me, but the thing that really matters is that the other family gived love to them like I used to do.

In my life, I had a lot of pets, but these ducks have a little space in my heart.

Monday, June 17, 2019

The story of my favourite photograph

One day, when I was six years old, my parents went with me to a place that everywhere talked about, this place was called "Fantasilandia". 

I remember when we were in my dad's car, near to the entry of the park and I saw all the things that Fantasilandia has, like big attractions, roller coasters and a pirate ship. I was very excited, because there was a lot of things to do!

The bad new was that, for my height, I could not get on many attractions. So, me and my parents started to look for one that were for me.

After looking for a long time, we found one attraction that was somekind of wheel of fortune, but for kids, and the space to sit was painted with a ladybug theme. I get on with my mom, and my father took a pic of us smiling.

I think that this picture is important for me because it remember me when life was simpler, when I didn't get on trouble with everything and, maybe, when I was more happy.

Friday, June 7, 2019

My favourite book OR film

I usually don`t watch movies or read books, because they are very long for me. I mean, stay sit and quiet for two hours is something that don`t match with me. But, when a book or a movie are a masterpiece, exist an exception.

The first book that I really enjoyed was "Trotzdem Ja zum Leben sagen. Ein Psychologe erlebt das Konzentratrionslager", in german, or "Man`s Search for Meaning" in english. There is a history set in the world war II, when nazis used concentration camps to erradicate jewish people. Our protagonist, Viktor -who is also the author-, is a psychologist, that inside of the concentration camp, started to analyze how the place and the people are.

The book had three parts. Viktor used three phases to describe how  prisioners react to everything, like their first perspectives of death and pain, when they lose the meaning of their life, or lose moral or ethic concepts like apathy and understanding. I have to be honest, read this makes me feel sadness, because we all now how awful and unfair it was! 

The last part is about the liberation, and I think that this phase is the worst to the prisioner, because is when he is saved and come back to his house... and discover that his entire family and friends are dead, his is alone. 

I really recommend this book, isn`t too long and has a lot of thoughts about love, pain and life in general. And, it is a little piece of history.